Fotograf interiérů a architektury - 11 let praxe | Jiří Šebek

Architectural photographers must pay close attention to details.

Only then can they find the perfect composition, fine-tune things, and find the right lighting.
To achieve a 100% professional photograph of your building.

Jiří Šebek has surprised us with his perfect preparation and precise execution of the task.
While photographing interiors, he was prepared to study the slightest details to achieve the perfect result.

Ing. arch. Eva Poláčková

Top quality equipment

Special tilt-shift lens from Canon, 8m tripod Manfrotto, remote-controlled flash.

A good sense for atmosphere

I can capture the emotions and moods of a place and transfer it to a two-dimensional photo.

Awarded photos

I have received several awards for my photos. The most recent one was the Czech Press Photo Award.

  • Interiér vily

    Villa Prague

    Toulec architekti

  • fotografie interiéru kavárny

    Café Cafefin


  • Fotografie airbnb bytu

    Airbnb flat

    Prague 1

  • Interiér kuchyně

    Villa Prague

    Toulec architekti

  • Fotografie interiéru apartmánu

    Apartment Prague

    Incanto designers

  • Detailní fotografie schodiště

    Smart flat Chauve

    Orange Controls

  • Design koupelny


    ADT studio

  • Architektura vily v Praze

    Villa Ohrada


  • Interiér kanceláře

    Home Office

    Ing. arch. Pavel Středa

  • Foto bazénu

    Wellness Center

    Pension Černá Louže

  • Fotografie Budějovické brány

    Budweiser Gate

    A book about Český Krumlov

  • Fotografie schodiště

    Villa Ohrada


  • Architektura vila Praha

    Villa Prague

    Toulec architekti

  • Foto interiéru bytu

    A flat in Prague

    Ing. arch. Eva Poláčková

  • Detail interiéru

    Hotel room


  • Interiér prodejny

    Shop in Cheb

    Okury Design

In the last 11 years, the following companies have been my clients:

My photos speak for themselves. And so do my clients:

  • Petra Hollá, Trigema

    “I worked with Mr. Šebek on the final stage of a photography project called SMART flats. The communication was great and so was the quality of the photos, which capture the atmosphere of an apartment block and its surroundings. We will surely continue our cooperation on other projects in the future.”

  • Nela Sobotovičová,

    “We asked Jirka Šebek to take photos of our office interiors in order to show the atmosphere of our company. I have to say that cooperating with Jirka was smooth and professional, and the photos reflect the spirit of our company very well and its various interesting elements and moments. We will gladly hire him again for similar jobs in the future.”

  • Jakub Velocha, ADT Studio

    “We work with Jiří Šebek in the field of our designs and we were fully satisfied with the provided services and results. We appreciate his flexible, reliable and individual approach in which our specific requirements and expectations were fully met.”

  • Libuše Adamczyková, Inovační centrum Eaton

    “Pan Šebek fotil prostory našeho inovačního centra v exteriéru i interiéru. Byli jsme velice spokojení s kvalitou fotek i organizací celého fotografování. Dobrá příprava ze strany pana fotografa ušetřila čas a fotografování tak v podstatě nenarušilo běžný pracovní den firmy. Děkujeme a těšíme se na další spolupráci.”

  • Leoš Najman, Penzion Černá Louže

    “Pan Šebek fotografoval náš penzion Černá Louže. Jeho fotky mají tu správnou atmosféru a pomáhají nám získávat nové zákazníky.”

  • Jakub Němec, Design apartmán Chauve

    “Jiří Šebek pro nás fotografoval náš nový projekt Chytrého apartmánu U Venuše. Spolupráce byla na doporučení a s jeho prací jsme byli maximálně spokojeni. Rádi do jeho rukou svěříme i další projekty na kterých pracujeme.”

  • Iva Ambrožová, Penzion Mlýn

    “Báječná spolupráce - skvělé fotografie. Naprostá spokojenost a spolupráci s panem Šebkem vřele doporučujeme. Ambrozovi”

  • Zdena Hlávková, Aibnb byt

    “Oslovili jsme pana Šebka se žádostí o fotografickou prezentaci našeho bytu pro účely krátkodobých pronájmů Airbnb. Úkolu se zhostil perfektně, nad naše očekávání. Je mistrem ve svém oboru. Vřele ho každému doporučujeme.”

  • Ing. arch. Pavel Středa

    “Pan fotograf Jiří Šebek odvedl profesionální práci při focení interiérů v dohodnutých termínech. Skvělá práce se světlem a atmosféra fotografií.”

Other reviews

The atmosphere of the photos requires hours of careful preparation and hard work.

I begin with the inspection of the place and its surroundings. I study the sunlight, the reflection of light, the position of the clouds. Adequate lighting is the key. As a next step, I carefully arrange everything and fine-tune the details. I run back and forth to achieve the perfect composition.

Then I take the photos – often at different times of day and night. The best photos are composed of several different shots. It is quite an art, not to mention the editing.

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Do you also want to have impressive photos that attract more clients?

I am Jiří Šebek. I enjoy...

  • Taking photos of architecture – for over 11 years now all around the Czech Republic.
  • Taking photos for architects, designers, developers and real estate agencies.
  • Taking photos of interiors for hotels, restaurants, pensions and Airbnb.
  • Taking photos of building complexes as well as small flat projects.
  • My photos won the Czech Press Photo award in 2016.
  • I teach others how to take the best photos – in my workshops.

Send a message. Call. I will show up and get down to business!

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